Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
This podcast is a companion to the publication, Covered Bridges of New Hampshire, by Kim Varney Chandler; an engaging book that provides in-depth historical narratives of the state’s historic covered bridges. There are over 60 authentic covered bridges in New Hampshire; 46 of which are over a century old. These bridges exist today solely because of the efforts of a small but powerful community that both recognized their significance and honored their tradition. Join Kim as she interviews folks of this community that she met along her journey. Whether you’re a covered bridge expert, or, know very little about covered bridges, this podcast is for you!
Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
The Columbia Bridge with Stacey Campbell and Sharon Ellingwood White
Kim talks with two women who live on either side of the Columbia Bridge in northern New Hampshire. Columbia, New Hampshire, resident Stacey Campbell and Lemington, Vermont, resident Sharon Ellingwood White, share how the location of the Columbia Bridge has connected their two communities across the Connecticut River for almost two hundred years.
Links for Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
Photos of the Columbia Bridge