Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
This podcast is a companion to the publication, Covered Bridges of New Hampshire, by Kim Varney Chandler; an engaging book that provides in-depth historical narratives of the state’s historic covered bridges. There are over 60 authentic covered bridges in New Hampshire; 46 of which are over a century old. These bridges exist today solely because of the efforts of a small but powerful community that both recognized their significance and honored their tradition. Join Kim as she interviews folks of this community that she met along her journey. Whether you’re a covered bridge expert, or, know very little about covered bridges, this podcast is for you!
Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
The Covered Bridges of Plainfield & Cornish with Steve Taylor
Kim talks with Steve Taylor of Plainfield about the importance of covered bridges in New Hampshire communities. Steve explains how a practical approach to bridge building has translated into part of our cultural cache and how important these covered bridges are not only to small towns but to the state as a whole.
Links from the conversation
Stephen Taylor - New Hampshire Humanities Council
100 Things You Should Do to Know the Real New Hampshire - NH Magazine
Steve Taylor: Newspaperman, Farmer, and Public Servant - InDepthNH
Links for Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
Covered Bridges of New Hampshire
Photos of the Meriden Bridge
Photos of the Cornish-Windsor Bridge
Photos of the Corbin Bridge